
行走江湖 户外游 42


泰国旅游英语口语攻略一、必备词汇1. 欢迎(欢迎来到泰国): Welcome to Thailand! 2. 谢谢(谢谢你的帮助): Thank you for your help. 3. 再见(再见泰国旅游英语口语攻略,下次再见): Goodbye, see you later. 4. 泰国旅游英语口语攻略我饿泰国旅游英语口语攻略了(我饿了): I'm hungry. 5. 我累了(我累了): I'm tired. 6. 洗手间/厕所: Restroom/Toilet. 7. 多少钱?: How much is it? 8. 请问怎么去?: Could you tell me how to get there? 9. 我不会说泰语: I don't speak Thai. 10. 没关系: It's okay.二、常用表达1. 你好,请问怎么去某地?: Hello, how do I get to...? 2. 我需要住宿: I need a place to stay. 3. 我需要兑换货币: I need to exchange money. 4. 我需要买一份保险: I need to buy insurance. 5. 我可以拍照吗?: May I take a photo? 6. 我想品尝当地美食: I want to try local food. 7. 我喜欢购物: I like shopping. 8. 我喜欢水上活动: I like water activities. 9. 我喜欢海滩: I like the beach. 10. 我很享受这次旅行: I'm enjoying this trip a lot.三、旅游景点1. 大皇宫: Grand Palace 2. 玉佛寺: Temple of the Emerald Buddha 3. 湄南河游船: River boat cruise on the Chao Phraya River 4. 夜市: Night market 5. 芭堤雅海滩: Pattaya Beach 6. 寺庙: Temple 7. 水上市场: Water market 8. 购物中心: Shopping mall 9. 免税店: Duty-free shop 10. 美食街: Food street四、实用对话1. 酒店前台:你好,我想预订一个房间。


:Hello, I would like to make a reservation for a room. 2. 餐厅点餐:你好,我想点一份海鲜炒饭。

:Hello, I would like to order seafood fried rice. 3. 商店购物:你好,我想买一件泰式服装。

:Hello, I want to buy a Thai-style dress. 4. 求助警察:你好,我迷路了,能帮我找到去目的地的路吗?:Hello, I'm lost and could you help me find the way to my destination?五、注意事项1. 尊重当地风俗习惯。

:Respect local customs and traditions. 2. 注意交通安全,遵守交通规则。

:Pay attention to traffic safety and follow traffic rules. 3. 保管好个人财物,避免丢失或被盗。

:Keep your personal belongings safe and avoid losing or being robbed. 4. 保持微笑,与他人友好相处。

:Smile and be friendly with others to make new friends and have a great time in Thailand!总之,掌握一些基本的英语口语和常用的旅游词汇,可以帮助您更好地畅游泰国,享受愉快的旅程。


